summer knitting

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Have you ever met a knitter who doesn't knit in the summer? 

It baffles me. As someone who loves knitting, as well as someone recently turned designer, every season is knitting season. Despite the 35 degree weather and 100% humidity, yarn continues to work in this house. I even ended up with a sweater this summer!

However, I will say that summer makes me crave being in the woods. When I was a kid, we would pack up our swimming gear, enough clothes for a week, and a couple of toys and books and make our way across the island to Bonne Bay Pond, a gorgeous little spot just north of Deer Lake, NL, and stay with my grandparents. Dad always said that he never really cared to go home to Corner Brook (his hometown), but he always wished he could be at the cabin. 

My last trip there was in 2014. The cabin, much smaller and a little shabbier than my childhood memories, was still the magical, relaxing experience. While toys were traded for knitting, and the Hardy Boys for Self-Improvement Books, I enjoyed being out of the city and back to nature. A few years back, my Grandfather (my last grandparent) passed away and unfortunately, I haven't been back to the west coast of the island since. But every summer, I fantasize about packing up the Yaris and making the 700km trek across the island in the name of peace, nature, and family. 

Today, my newest pattern launches - Cottage Mitts. There's nothing fancy about them. They are just a simple, cute, functional pair of mitts. Just like that 700 square foot cabin on the pond. Sometimes, we need to take a moment to go back to simplicity. 

Get 15% off until Monday, August 13 (11:59pm) when you purchase the pattern from my website, or via my Ravelry Store with coupon code COTTAGE15KS

Enjoy whatever the rest of summer may bring!


The tale of the Missing Sock

Gather round and hear the amazing tale of the GROOVE socks. 

On WWKIP Day, here in St. John's we had a knit night at the Geek Bar to celebrate two things: 1 - knitting (obvs), and 2 - the one-of-a-kind Rhichard Devrieze was in town! In May, Rhichard had contacted me to design some socks with his new colourway, appropriately called "Rha-Rha-Rhichard," a vibrant and wild variegated sock yarn. So I got to work figuring out a pattern than would show off his work. 


Skip ahead to WWKIP Day, and I am on the foot of the second sock. Almost there! I took them to the bar to finish them off while chatting with friends and had a lovely time. I was about 8 rows away from finishing the toe of the sock when our ride home appeared. I stuff them in the bag and run out the door, not wanting to have to pay $50 for a cab across town. (Did I mention my FIL is amazing?)

We get home and after about 30 minutes, I decide I have enough energy left in me to finish that sock, except my bag is nowhere to be found. We tear up the house - nothing. FIL checks his vehicle - nothing. We call the bar - nothing. We even looked outside our house in case it had somehow fallen out there - no dice. The next morning, I even went back to the bar to check around outside with no luck. Where the hell have these socks wandered off to? 

So here I am, on the following Monday morning, convinced these socks have fallen into a black hole (where one of my sweaters and many socks have ended up mind you), when suddenly, there is a break in the case! A friend of the LYS owner saw a FB post of a knitting bag on her colleagues lawn. That colleague lives about 15 houses up from me. My heart skips a beat. "They're alive!" I say, confusing my colleagues within earshot. 

I was very lucky to get those socks back. Even more, I am very lucky that my neighbour didn't simply throw them in the trash. It was a great lesson in the kindness of others - not just the lady who found the bag, but anyone who helped look. 

So that's it! That's the story of the missing (and eventually returned) socks. Of course, now the pattern is being released, so you can also have a pair of Groove socks - I just hope that they don't go missing along the way. 

For this weekend only, you can get 15% off the pattern in my Ravelry Store when you use coupon code KS-GRV-2018. Simply add the pattern to your cart and enter the code when you check out!

Happy Knitting!



This month is #yarnlovechallenge month on Instagram!

What exactly does that mean? Well, basically it's a way for the knitting, desiging, dying, yarnie community to come together and share their love of knitting and fibre arts. Each day has a new theme that prompts you to share a picture with the rest of the #yarnlovechallengers. I've missed a couple due to my crazy work schedule. But I've been trying to keep up with the daily habit as much as possible. 


So be sure to keep an eye out for KnitSprite on Instagram! There are pattern announcements, sales, calls for testers, and pictures of pretty yarn and projects :) 



At long last, I am pleased to release my newest pattern, BILLOW!


In October last year, I purchased this yarn to design a fluffy cowl. I cast on and tried one design and decided that it wasn't what the yarn was meant to be. So I ripped it out and started again. Then I cast on with another design, and then another, and then another, and then another, until it got to the point that I was behind on my Holiday knitting and had to put it aside before I took scissors to it. 

But at long last, I have figured out what this yarn was meant to be. This textured cowl is knit with super-bulky yarn on giant needles, so it knits up super quick and makes for a very warm addition to your winter wear. And because my test-knitters were extra fabulous and finished their tests within two days (right!?), I am releasing it a full week ahead of schedule. To celebrate, I'm offering 25% off until Friday February 2nd on both my website and via Ravelry:

I'd love to know what you think, so please feel free to leave any thoughts below :)


HELLO 2018!

I am someone who loves to make new years resolutions. I enjoy dreaming about the potential and possibilities for the year and finding ways to make them count. Each year, I try to have a silly, non-serious resolution, and another more thoughtful goal. This has ranged from learning to like beer (yes there was a time that I didn't enjoy beer!) to the classic weight loss goals. 

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For me, new years is as much about reflection as it is forward looking. We look at the past 12 months and decide "what would I like to change?" In 2017, I learned some pretty significant lessons. I learned that spreading yourself too thin is a surefire path to burnout. I also learned that I'm better off investing my time and energy into something I enjoy rather than something that will turn a quick paycheck. I learned through meticulous tracking that there is such a thing as too much yarn. I also learned that I am happiest when I'm engaging in something creative. 

My two personal resolutions this year are to watch 100 movies I've never seen before (I tend to rewatch a lot of movies and as a result miss out on some really great films!) and to prioritize my own wellness. 

However, 2018 is a little different in that now I get to make goals for KnitSprite as well! Over the next 12 months I hope to accomplish the following: 

  • Continue to design and publish knitting patterns. 
  • Explore and experiment with different platforms for teaching knitting skills. 
  • Design new product for sale at local markets. 

So here's to a fabulous 2018! I look forward to seeing what the next 12 months bring. 


TRAVELLER - The perfect holiday knit

If you're anything like me, you're a victim of constant over-committing in a flurry of excitement. There are 27 days left before Christmas Day and I still have three pairs of socks, two pairs of mittens, a baby sweater, and other undetermined knitted gifts to finish, along with decorating my new home, baking enough treats to supply an army, and gift shopping. 

It comes from the best place - the desire to give. I absolutely love to knit for others. In my family, knits are appreciated and loved so I always try to include something knit for Christmas. However, in busy times like these, I do struggle to find time to do it all. 

The Traveller headband is designed to be a quick and enjoyable knit that can also be worn! All you need is about 100yds of worsted weight wool, 5mm needles, and two buttons and you can have yourself a headband within a few hours. 


And the best part of all - it's FREE! Download Traveller directly from this site and get your gift knitting under control once and for all!

And don't forget to post your finished projects to Ravelry and Instagram (@knitsprite)

Happy Holidays (and Holiday Knitting!)


I love socks. 

I love wearing socks. I love making socks. I love sock yarn. So it would makes sense that one of the first patterns I write down is for a sock pattern. 

DOTS is a lightly textured sock pattern that works well in a variety of yarns - tonal, self, striping, variegated, speckled, the list goes on. The occasional purl stitch adds just a touch of interest to both the look and the pattern. While this pattern includes instructions for the classic heel-flap structure, it is an easily adaptable pattern for your preferred construction methods. 

The yarn used for my sample was Seven Sisters Arts Meridian, and was an absolutely pleasure to work with. To keep up with their BEAUTIFUL work, you can follow them on Instagram at @sevensisterarts or on Ravelry

I am currently seeking test knitters for all three of the sizes. Once the project is completed, test knitters will receive a FREE copy of the pattern upon publication. If you're looking for your next sock project or even if you are new to socks, I'd love to have you! Simply e-mail or join us on the KnitSprite Ravelry Group.

Hope to hear from you soon!


I'm so pleased to announce that I am in the test-knitting stage of releasing my very first pattern "FROST." This cowl was inspired by and uses the transverse herringbone stitch. It sounds technical and almost scientific, but it's quite beautiful and reminds me of the way frost forms on the windshield on those frigid winter days. 

Test knitting is a great way to gain new skills and try patterns out while contributing to the pattern's growth. As a test knitter, you would help me identify any issues or unclear instructions in the pattern, see the pattern in a variety of yarns, and give feedback on the entire process. In the end, you get to keep your knitted product and will be gifted a free PDF of the complete, published pattern. 

If you're interested in test knitting FROST, email me at OR you can join us on Ravelry at

Happy Knitting! 



I can't remember a time that I didn't knit. 

I remember the first project I started with AWFUL eyelash yarn, claimed from my mother's knitting basket. I remember how one side seemed to miraculously have this really cool slant, only to discover, I was doing something wrong and needed to undo all of my precious work.

I remember finding a half finished Harry Potter scarf rolled up, stuffed in the back of my closet, a few years later. I remember having the sudden desire to finish the scarf and watched Disney's Cinderella on my bed while I re-navigated the stitches. 

I remember the first pair of mittens I made - colourwork without properly stranding along the back; my first skein of "fancy" yarn; my first shawl made with 100% wool; the first time I made a pair of socks; the first time I made up a design; the first time I threw dye on some white yarn to see what happened; the first knitting circle I joined; and the list continues. In all of these memories, I am happy. Not the jumping for joy, ecstatic type of happy, but the special kind of contentment that comes with the process of creating something from nothing.

This is the inspiration for KnitSprite - a small business focused on the simple joy of making something with sticks and string. Knitting is more than the finished product - it's a love of creation. 

As this business grows, I hope you will engage in the knitting process, be it at the learning stage or the purchasing of HandKnits just for you. In the meantime, I would love to know your thoughts about knitting and how I can help you join in! I can be reached at
