HELLO 2018!

I am someone who loves to make new years resolutions. I enjoy dreaming about the potential and possibilities for the year and finding ways to make them count. Each year, I try to have a silly, non-serious resolution, and another more thoughtful goal. This has ranged from learning to like beer (yes there was a time that I didn't enjoy beer!) to the classic weight loss goals. 

yarn bowl and wine.jpg

For me, new years is as much about reflection as it is forward looking. We look at the past 12 months and decide "what would I like to change?" In 2017, I learned some pretty significant lessons. I learned that spreading yourself too thin is a surefire path to burnout. I also learned that I'm better off investing my time and energy into something I enjoy rather than something that will turn a quick paycheck. I learned through meticulous tracking that there is such a thing as too much yarn. I also learned that I am happiest when I'm engaging in something creative. 

My two personal resolutions this year are to watch 100 movies I've never seen before (I tend to rewatch a lot of movies and as a result miss out on some really great films!) and to prioritize my own wellness. 

However, 2018 is a little different in that now I get to make goals for KnitSprite as well! Over the next 12 months I hope to accomplish the following: 

  • Continue to design and publish knitting patterns. 
  • Explore and experiment with different platforms for teaching knitting skills. 
  • Design new product for sale at local markets. 

So here's to a fabulous 2018! I look forward to seeing what the next 12 months bring. 
