I'm so pleased to announce that I am in the test-knitting stage of releasing my very first pattern "FROST." This cowl was inspired by and uses the transverse herringbone stitch. It sounds technical and almost scientific, but it's quite beautiful and reminds me of the way frost forms on the windshield on those frigid winter days. 

Test knitting is a great way to gain new skills and try patterns out while contributing to the pattern's growth. As a test knitter, you would help me identify any issues or unclear instructions in the pattern, see the pattern in a variety of yarns, and give feedback on the entire process. In the end, you get to keep your knitted product and will be gifted a free PDF of the complete, published pattern. 

If you're interested in test knitting FROST, email me at knitsprite@gmail.com OR you can join us on Ravelry at www.ravelry.com/groups/knitsprite

Happy Knitting!