At long last, I am pleased to release my newest pattern, BILLOW!


In October last year, I purchased this yarn to design a fluffy cowl. I cast on and tried one design and decided that it wasn't what the yarn was meant to be. So I ripped it out and started again. Then I cast on with another design, and then another, and then another, and then another, until it got to the point that I was behind on my Holiday knitting and had to put it aside before I took scissors to it. 

But at long last, I have figured out what this yarn was meant to be. This textured cowl is knit with super-bulky yarn on giant needles, so it knits up super quick and makes for a very warm addition to your winter wear. And because my test-knitters were extra fabulous and finished their tests within two days (right!?), I am releasing it a full week ahead of schedule. To celebrate, I'm offering 25% off until Friday February 2nd on both my website and via Ravelry:

I'd love to know what you think, so please feel free to leave any thoughts below :)
